Adryanna Major passes prelim

Adryanna Major successfully passed her graduate preliminary examination!  Congratulations, Adryanna!  This marks the third celebratory cake in the queue for later consumption.

Crystal Burgos defends senior thesis

Senior undergrad Crystal Burgos defended her senior thesis, “Quantifying Liquid Argon Neutrino Detector Sensitivity to Supernova Burst Neutrinos” and will graduate with distinction.  Nice job, Crystal, and congratulations!

New COHERENT result in liquid argon

Jacob Zettlemoyer of IU presented the new COHERENT — first CEvNS in argon  >3 sigma, in two parallel analyses– at the Fermilab Wine&Cheese seminar on Friday, January 10.   The video is here. This was followed by a talk at MEPhI in Russia by Alex Kumpan.

Duke neutrinos attend Magnificent CEvNS

The Magnificent CEvNS workshop in Chapel Hill was attended by the entire group– it was a fantastic workshop covering many aspects of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering.   Adryanna Smith gave a talk on using CEvNS to observe supernova neutrinos, and Dan Pershey  gave a talk on the potential for the COHERENT experiment to observe accelerator-produced dark matter.  Crystal Burgos, Justin Raybern and Gleb Sinev all presented posters.