About the Duke Neutrino Group

Inside Super-K’s Outer Detector

The Duke Neutrino Group was established in 2004.  Kate Scholberg and Chris Walter began a neutrino physics program as part of the Duke High Energy Group, based primarily on research with the Super-Kamiokande underground water Cherenkov experiment in Japan.  The program includes research on neutrino oscillations and neutrino astrophysics with atmospheric, beam and supernova neutrinos, and searches for proton decay.

Looking at the smallest and largest things in the universe from deep underground.

Work on the first long-baseline neutrino beam experiment, K2K (KEK to Kamioka), with Super-K as the target for a beam of neutrinos sent 250 km across Japan, transitioned to T2K (Tokai to Kamioka), a high-intensity second-generation beam experiment, in the mid-2000’s.   Additional projects include LBNE (the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment, a proposed project for the U.S.), SNEWS (the SuperNova Early Warning System, an international network of supernova neutrino-sensitive detectors), and HALO (the Helium and Lead Observatory, a supernova neutrino detector at SNOLAB).